Brand Identity / Website / WordPress Development
Melbourne Insight Meditation felt like it was time to update their brand assets, including their brandmark and colour palette. The community-led group was formed over a decade ago and has good brand recognition, so it was important to honour yet leverage elements of the existing design. They wanted a colour palette that was warm and inspired by the natural tones of the Australian landscape. It was also important that the colours were harmonious and usable, as the previous colour palette was quite jarring and difficult to use across a variety of brand touchpoints.
Before we could resolve any of the brand rollout, especially the website, it became apparent that we needed photography assets. MIM didn't have a great collection, so I developed a photography style to guide them and to encourage the documentation of events so they can build up a library of assets for use across a variety of marketing applications.
Due to the sensitive nature of the subject, people in meditation, it was important that any photography was done respectfully. The themes to capture included contemplation, peacefulness, spaciousness, diversity, respect, and connection to each other and nature.
MIM’s existing website was their biggest pain point; it was built on an outdated platform that did not support responsive design, and the layout options were very rigid. MIM offers weekly events in multiple locations, various types of retreats, and a rotation of guest teachers, so there is a variety of information and data that needs to be delivered. The UI and UX of the existing site created a barrier for people to access this content easily.
We decided to build the new website on WordPress to take advantage of the wide ecosystem of plugins and integrations available, including an event calendar. It was also very important that the web platform had a user-friendly CMS so the MIM team could easily update and add events themselves.